Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Prompt 1 : An image of nature

Vines everywhere or at least what feels like vines. There's that hard, wiry and waxy texture on my calves that could only be vines or plant stems of some sort. My mind immediately goes to that tree scene in Evil Dead and my eyes snap open to check for danger. 

Once my eyes adjust to darkness, I can make out vines all threaded together to form a cage like bowl surrounding me. Dispersed throughout, I can make out football sized bulbs protruding from the vines that look like they're throbbing but it could be a trick of the darkness.The only thing I can see through the cracks of the vines is yet more vines and I start to panic. 

As I scratch at the waxy walls that have become my prison I feel the porous skin of the vines begin too push under my nails.

As the vine tissue breaks, it also starts to release musky, sickingly sweet fumes that tickle the inside of my nose. It gets harder to breathe all of a sudden and my throats  begins to close. I start to choke as I an aggressive swipe with my vine clogged nails manages to break through to something bright on the other side of the vines.

My last thought as I struggle to focus on the lights through the vines is how I got there in the first place. My mind plunges into a different kind darkness that only comes with oxygen deprivation.

When consciousness seeps into my brain again I'm blinded by a a hot light that seems to singe my very eyeballs. I bury my face in my hands suddenly realising that my finger nails are as pristine as if I'd just walked out of a nail salon.

I look around squinting and trying to force my eyes to adjust, I was still in the vine bowl but this time the football sized bulbs have opened to reveal banana yellow flowers that are speckled with brown freckles. If i squinted harder I could kind of see a face in the design of the flower which starts to freak me out so I look away.

The next moment, one of the bulb flowers snaps right in front of my face and 2 eye balls roll out from deep within the flower to look straight at me.

A low hissing voice pierces my eardrums "the human is ready for seeding".

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